Дождались! *О*

(спасибо http://vk.com/nihon_ongaku)
(спасибо http://vk.com/ruki.sama)
© sweetlolixo, melting-in-white
Throat is dry over nonsense affection
It’s filthy in my consciousness
Smothered for what I wanted
「My nature」that embraced me and hidden in eyes
I just wanted to spread my wings like butterflies
It’s spider web over here tonight too?
Hesitation which spilled from mouth
Please don’t go further anymore
My darling
Caress which stopped overflown breathe
Bare instinct fall in trap
Throat is dry over nonsense affection
The only thing I can abandon right now is 「my nature」which I doubted in it
I wanted to spread my wings like butterflies
It’s spider web over here tonight too?
I couldn’t smile if there is only happiness
It stabbed without my eyes turned away
My darling
The one that will remained at any time at the end
Is only dream where fake smile is
You… Like this..
I just wanted to spread my wings like butterflies
Will never realize till I fall
Burst like bubble
The only dream resembles fireworks
To tell the summer had ended
Loneliness blooms in vividness
Hesitation which spilled from mouth
Please don’t go further anymore
Caress which stopped overflown breathe
I couldn’t stop hiding 「my nature」
Detaramena aijyou ni nodo ga kawaku
kegarawashiku mo omoeta ishiki no nakade
iki ga tsumaru hodo hoshiteta no wa
sonome ni kakushita mama watashi wo idaku 「honshou」
chou no you ni hane wo hirogeteita tsumori
koyoi mo koko wa kumo no su?
kuchikara koboreta tamerai ni
mou kore ijyou furenai de
My darling
moreru iki fusagu aibu
mukidashi no honnou ja wana ni ochiru
Detaramena aijyou ni nodo ga kawaku
ima sara sutereru mono nante utagaiidaku 「honshou」kurai
chou no you ni hane wo hirogeteita tsumori
koyoi mo koko wa kumo no su?
kairaku bakari ja waraenai
me wo sorasazu tsukisashite
My darling
itsu datte saigo ni nokoro no wa
tsukuriemi ga miseru wazukana yume
kimi yo, kono mama …
tada chou no you ni hane wo hirogeteita tsumori ga
rakka suru made kitsukazu
awa no youni hajiketa
wasukana yume wa hanabi ni niteru
sou natsu no owari tsugeru you ni
azayaka ni sabishige ni saku
kuchi kara koboreta tamerai ni
mou kore ijyou furenai de
moreru iki fusagu aibu
tachikirenu watashi wa 「honshou」wo kakusu
© sweetlolixo, melting-in-white
Staying at the end of autumn
Beside me, there is you
Without asking where will you be heading tomorrow
I smiled, saying ’ Bring me along.’
Farewell and please don’t forget
Don’t grieve anymore
Farewell, whom I loved
With tears tomorrow will not fade
Fingers that held together
Body temperature falls
Wind brought it along
「For now, farewell」
Loosened fingers
You, again at somewhere
Wiping tears
Don’t grieve anymore
The dream that repeats in unseen tomorrow brought you back
「It’s enough to stay like how we are in memories」
I closed my eyes to that now
Farewell, whom I loved
No matter what please don’t look back
Farewell, whom I loved
Habit to space a seat beside ended with this too
Right… Be afloat
Towards wind and sky
「Please don’t get lost again」
Farewell to you
Days that stay
Sleeping with silence
Tranquil autumn
Dream stays as dream
Staying alive
saigo no aki ni suwaru
tonari ni wa kimi ga ite
asu no ikusaki mo towazu
tsureteitte to waraikakeru
sayonara wasurenaide
mou kanashimanakute ii
sayonara itoshiki hito
namidade asu ga karenai youni
tsunaideita yubi
koboreochiru taion
kaze ga tsureteyuku
「ima wa, sayonara」
hodoketeku yubi
kimi yo mata doko kade
namida mo keshite
kanashimanakute ii
mukaiaenai asu ni kurikaesu yume ga kimi wo modosu
「omoide ni kawarenai mama futari de ii」
sono imi ni ima wa me wo fusagu
sayonara itoshiki hito
douka furimukanaide
sayonara itoshiki hito
tonari wo akeru kuse mo kore de owari
sou tadayou you ni
kaze to sora he sariyuku
「mou, mayowanaide」
kimi yo sayonara
tachitomaru hibi
shizukesa nokoshi nemuru
yasurakana aki
yume wa yume no mama
За всё огромное спасибо http://vk.com/nihon_ongaku & http://vk.com/ruki.sama
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